I\'m trying to get setup with (exuberant) ctags on Vim today and am having difficulty getting it to work properly. I generate my ctags file on the command line with with:
FREEZE_NAME=/* Give some version number */
mkdir $HOME/ctags/$FREEZE_NAME
V1=/* Software Path */
find $V1 -name "*.h" | xargs /usr/local/bin/ctags -a -f $HOME/ctags/$FREEZE_NAME/h.tags
find $V1 -name "*.c" | xargs /usr/local/bin/ctags -a -f $HOME/ctags/$FREEZE_NAME/c.tags
cd $HOME/ctags/$FREEZE_NAME/
rm -f all.tags
cat c.tags h.tags >> all.tags
sort all.tags > temp.tags
mv temp.tags all.tags
rm -f c.tags h.tags
Put the above code in a .sh file and run... This will generate your tags for sure.