Why wasn't PyPy included in standard Python?

后端 未结 6 1924
梦毁少年i 2021-01-29 19:28

I was looking at PyPy and I was just wondering why it hasn\'t been adopted into the mainline Python distributions. Wouldn\'t things like JIT compilation and lower memory footpri

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-29 19:57

    In addition to everything that's been said here, PyPy is not nearly as rock solid as CPython in terms of bugs. With SymPy, we've found at about a dozen bugs in PyPy over the past couple of years, both in released versions and in the nightlies.

    On the other hand, we've only ever found one bug in CPython, and that was in a prerelease.

    Plus, don't discount the lack of Python 3 support. No one in the core Python community even cares about Python 2 any more. They are working on the next big things in Python 3.4, which will be the fifth major release of Python 3. The PyPy guys still haven't gotten one of them. So they've got some catching up to do before they can start to be contenders.

    Don't get me wrong. PyPy is awesome. But it's still far from being better than CPython in a lot of very important ways.

    And by the way, if you use SymPy in PyPy, you won't see a smaller memory footprint (or a speedup either). See https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/1447/.
