I\'ve read the manual many times, I\'ve scoured the posts offered by Google on the subject, I have even bought a couple of books that deal with ZF. Now, why am I still confused?
If you just want to add arbitrary markup before or after your form elements without using the ViewScript decorator, you could use my AnyMarkup decorator: http://www.zfsnippets.com/snippets/view/id/62
For example, here is how you would prepend an input field with an image inside a wrapper tag (needs include paths for autoloading to be set correctly):
$form->addElement('text', 'my_field', array( 'label' => 'Enter Info:', 'decorators' => array( 'ViewHelper', array('AnyMarkup', array( 'markup' => ''), 'placement' => 'prepend' ), 'HtmlTag', 'Label' ) );