I\'m looking for an interactive graphing library for Python.
By \"graph\", I meant a set of nodes connected by a set of vertices (not a plot of values over x-y axis, no
I have the same problem. In the end, I think nodebox opengl seems to do the trick. Don't try to use the graph library at the following link
with nodebox opengl. It doesn't work, that graph library is only compatible with the mac OSX nodebox. But in anycase that is ok because you don't need it.
See for example the following question:
Adding label to an edge of a graph in nodebox opnegl
It shows example code which works for me, the code can be modified so that clicking on a node not only allows you to move the node, but also allows you to modify the graph.
Just delete
label = "Placeholder"
from the code and it works.
I put some more detailed example code here: Nodebox open GL Graph, size function not recognized. (Ubuntu)