My shop uses TFS & is generally happy with it with the exception of the lack of local repository commits/reverts. I\'m starting to use Mercurial locally myself to help manag
@Eric, your post at lostechies was most helpful. With VS2010 I had to add options /diff and /deletes to the tftp online command in the push script to get changed and deleted files to be checked in to TFS. Initially I was getting an error from push when a file has been deleted (from -working) that hg update is
"unable to remove FileXyz : access is denied".
I installed the extension but that only works when files are opened not deleted. So I added a call to attrib to remove the READ-ONLY from all files in the project and then restore it afterwards (excluding the .hg folder) I also added the /diff option so that differences are detected by MD5 checksum instead of depending on the READ-ONLY attribute. Seems to be working fine now.
=====FILE: push.ps1=====
$projName = "TicTacToeCMMI"
$tftp = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools\TFPT.exe"
$tf = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\ide\tf.exe"
hg push
cd ..\$projName-tfs
"Syncing -tfs workspace with TFS server"
&$tftp scorch /noprompt /exclude:.hg',_Resharper*',*.user
"Making all files in -tfs writable"
attrib -R /S /D *
"Updating -tfs with latest push from Mercurial"
hg update -C -y
attrib +R /S /D *
attrib -R /S /D .hg\*
"Resyncing Mercurial changes with TFS Server"
&$tftp online /adds /deletes /diff /exclude:'.hgignore,.hg,bin,obj,*.ps1,_Resharper*,*.lnk,*.user,*.suo,*.vspscc'
&$tf checkin
cd ..\$projName-working
cmd /c pause
====FILE: pull.ps1=====
$projName = "TicTacToeCMMI"
$tf = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\ide\tf.exe"
$username = cmd /c set USERNAME
$username = $username.SubString($username.IndexOf("=")+1)
function pull {
cd ..\$projName-tfs
&$tf get
hg commit -A -m "from tfs" --user $username
cd ..\$projName-working
hg pull --rebase
cmd /c pause
I had a bit of a learning curve with PowerShell scripts which I hadn't used before. For others like me the scripts are run with a shortcut like this:
TARGET: C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe C:\dev\TicTacToeCMMI-working\push.ps1
START IN: C:\dev\TicTacToeCMMI-working
I put push and pull shortcuts on my task bar so push/pull to/from TFS is a single click