I know that compound operations such as i++
are not thread safe as they involve multiple operations.
But is checking the reference with itself a t
It has all been well explained by Stephen C. For fun, you could try to run the same code with the following JVM parameters:
This should prevent the optimisation done by the JIT (it does on hotspot 7 server) and you will see true
forever (I stopped at 2,000,000 but I suppose it continues after that).
For information, below is the JIT'ed code. To be honest, I don't read assembly fluently enough to know if the test is actually done or where the two loads come from. (line 26 is the test flag = a != a
and line 31 is the closing brace of the while(true)
# {method} 'run' '()V' in 'javaapplication27/TestThreadSafety$1'
0x00000000027dcc80: int3
0x00000000027dcc81: data32 data32 nop WORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
0x00000000027dcc8c: data32 data32 xchg ax,ax
0x00000000027dcc90: mov DWORD PTR [rsp-0x6000],eax
0x00000000027dcc97: push rbp
0x00000000027dcc98: sub rsp,0x40
0x00000000027dcc9c: mov rbx,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x8]
0x00000000027dcca0: mov rbp,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x18]
0x00000000027dcca4: mov rcx,rdx
0x00000000027dcca7: movabs r10,0x6e1a7680
0x00000000027dccb1: call r10
0x00000000027dccb4: test rbp,rbp
0x00000000027dccb7: je 0x00000000027dccdd
0x00000000027dccb9: mov r10d,DWORD PTR [rbp+0x8]
0x00000000027dccbd: cmp r10d,0xefc158f4 ; {oop('javaapplication27/TestThreadSafety$1')}
0x00000000027dccc4: jne 0x00000000027dccf1
0x00000000027dccc6: test rbp,rbp
0x00000000027dccc9: je 0x00000000027dcce1
0x00000000027dcccb: cmp r12d,DWORD PTR [rbp+0xc]
0x00000000027dcccf: je 0x00000000027dcce1 ;*goto
; - javaapplication27.TestThreadSafety$1::run@62 (line 31)
0x00000000027dccd1: add rbx,0x1 ; OopMap{rbp=Oop off=85}
; - javaapplication27.TestThreadSafety$1::run@62 (line 31)
0x00000000027dccd5: test DWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffdb53325],eax # 0x0000000000330000
; - javaapplication27.TestThreadSafety$1::run@62 (line 31)
; {poll}
0x00000000027dccdb: jmp 0x00000000027dccd1
0x00000000027dccdd: xor ebp,ebp
0x00000000027dccdf: jmp 0x00000000027dccc6
0x00000000027dcce1: mov edx,0xffffff86
0x00000000027dcce6: mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20],rbx
0x00000000027dcceb: call 0x00000000027a90a0 ; OopMap{rbp=Oop off=112}
; - javaapplication27.TestThreadSafety$1::run@2 (line 26)
; {runtime_call}
0x00000000027dccf0: int3
0x00000000027dccf1: mov edx,0xffffffad
0x00000000027dccf6: mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20],rbx
0x00000000027dccfb: call 0x00000000027a90a0 ; OopMap{rbp=Oop off=128}
; - javaapplication27.TestThreadSafety$1::run@2 (line 26)
; {runtime_call}
0x00000000027dcd00: int3 ;*aload_0
; - javaapplication27.TestThreadSafety$1::run@2 (line 26)
0x00000000027dcd01: int3