For functional requirements—or, more specifically, behavioral requirements—I like to use Cucumber and Gherkin.
Here’s an example of a simple and short specification for a new feature in a simple mapping application. The feature allows small businesses to sign up to the mapping platform and add their places of business on a Google Maps-like service.
Feature: Allow new businesses to appear on the map
Scenario Outline: Businesses should provide required data
Given a at
When signs up to the map platform
Then it be added to the platform
And its name appear on the map at
Examples: Business name and location should be required
| business | location | should? |
Examples: Allow only businesses with correct names
| business | location | should? |
| Back to Black | 8114 2nd Street, Stockton | should |
| UNNAMED BUSINESS | 8114 2nd Street, Stockton | shouldn't |
Examples: Allow businesses with two or more establishments
| business | location | should? |
| Deep Lemon | 6750 Street South, Reno | should |
| Deep Lemon | 289 Laurel Drive, Reno | should |
Examples: Allow only suitable locations
| business | location | should? |
| Anchor | 77 Chapel Road, Chicago | should |
| Anchor | Chicago River, Chicago | shouldn't |
| Anchor | NOWHERE | shouldn't |
This specification looks deceivably simple, but is in fact quite powerful.
Good specifications are clear, unambiguous and concrete. They don't need to be deciphered in order to write working code. That’s exactly what Gherkin specs are. They’re best served short and simple. Instead of writing a long ass specification document, you let the specification suite evolve along with your product by writing new specs in every iteration.
Gherkin is a business-readable language for writing specification documents based on the Given-When-Then template. The template can be automated into acceptance tests. Automating the specification ensures it stays up to date because the captured conversation is directly tied to testing code. This way, tests can be used as documentation, because Gherkin features have to change every time the code changes.
When each business rule is given an automated test, Gherkin specifications become so-called executable specifications—specifications that can be run as computer programs. The program tests whether the acceptance criteria were implemented correctly. So at the end of the day, we get a yes-or-no answer to the question of whether our product is actually doing what we expect it to do—which in itself is very valuable, as it contributes to making software of better quality.
The direct connection between Gherkin specifications and testing code often reduces the damage of waste by creating and cultivating a system of living documentation. Thanks to frequent validation of tests, as in continuous integration systems, you can know that Given-When-Thens are still up to date—and when you trust your tests, you can use the corresponding Gherkin specifications as documentation for the entire system.
In fact, there’s an entire methodology called Specification by Example that uses tools like Gherkin. Specification by Example's practices reduce possibility for misunderstandings and rework by giving you a framework for talking with business stakeholders by forcing you to use concrete, discrete, unambiguous examples in your specification documents.
If you want to read more about Cucumber, Gherkin, BDD, and Specification by Example, I wrote a book on the subject. “Writing Great Specifications” explores the art of writing great scenarios and will help you make executable specifications a core part of your development process.
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