It also helps if you start by stating the goal the user has or what the global idea of a certain function is; rather than filling in the exact implementation. This always feels to me like narrowing down the open mindedness or using less creative (more usable) solutions. So you should keep "all options open".
Your writing a software to measure "X".
Instead of stating:
There has to be a start button and a save button.
The user has to be able to start a measurement and save it.
Because in the first situation you already determined what the solution has to be, while the second situation gives you flexibility on how to implement something. Now this may seem trivial, but I have the feeling "programmers" tend to think more in solutions rather than in problems (or situations). When you add more functionality this becomes more obvious, because then it might have been better to use a wizard or automate the process, but you already narrowed the idea's down to using buttons.