I am an Angular 1 developer that is starting to learn about Angular 2. There are a lot of different types of folder structure methods depending on the training material. I am
I suggest the following structure, which might violate some existing conventions.
I was striving to reduce name redundancy in the path, and trying to keep naming short in general.
So there is no/app/components/home/home.component.ts|html|css.
Instead it looks like this:
|-- app
|-- users
|-- list.ts|html|css
|-- form.ts|html|css
|-- cars
|-- list.ts|html|css
|-- form.ts|html|css
|-- configurator.ts|html|css
|-- app.component.ts|html|css
|-- app.module.ts
|-- user.service.ts
|-- car.service.ts
|-- index.html
|-- main.ts
|-- style.css