You could run this simple Console App to understand how to verify the one time token code. Note that we need to install library Otp.Net from Nuget package first.
static string secretKey = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"; //add this key to your Google Authenticator app
private static void Main(string[] args)
var bytes = Base32Encoding.ToBytes(secretKey);
var totp = new Totp(bytes);
while (true)
Console.Write("Enter your code from Google Authenticator app: ");
string userCode = Console.ReadLine();
//Generate one time token code
string tokenInApp = totp.ComputeTotp();
int remainingSeconds = totp.RemainingSeconds();
if (userCode.Equals(tokenInApp)
&& remainingSeconds > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Failed. Try again!");