Well, recursion+memoization is precisely a specific "flavor" of dynamic programming: dynamic programming in accordance with top-down approach.
More precisely, there's no requrement to use recursion specifically. Any divide & conquer solution combined with memoization is top-down dynamic programming. (Recursion is LIFO flavor of divide & conquer, while you can also use FIFO divide & conquer or any other kind of divide & conquer).
So it is more correct to say that
divide & conquer + memoization == top-down dynamic programming
Also, from a very formal point of view, if you implement a divide & conquer solution for a problem that does not generate repetitive partial solutions (meaning that there's no benefit in memoization), then you can claim that this divide & conquer solution is a degenerate example of "dynamic programming".
However, dynamic programming is a more general concept. Dynamic programming can use bottom-up approach, which is different from divide & conquer+memoization.