When deploying a large Java webapp (>100 MB .war) I\'m currently use the following deployment process:
Since this answer was first written, a better way to deploy war files to tomcat with zero downtime has emerged. In recent versions of tomcat you can include version numbers in your war filenames. So for example, you can deploy the files ROOT##001.war
and ROOT##002.war
to the same context simultaneously. Everything after the ##
is interpreted as a version number by tomcat and not part of the context path. Tomcat will keep all versions of your app running and serve new requests and sessions to the newest version that is fully up while gracefully completing old requests and sessions on the version they started with. Specifying version numbers can also be done via the tomcat manager and even the catalina ant tasks. More info here.
Rsync tends to be ineffective on compressed files since it's delta-transfer algorithm looks for changes in files and a small change an uncompressed file, can drastically alter the resultant compressed version. For this reason, it might make good sense to rsync an uncompressed war file rather than a compressed version, if network bandwith proves to be a bottleneck.
What's wrong with using the Tomcat manager application to do your deployments? If you don't want to upload the entire war file directly to the Tomcat manager app from a remote location, you could rsync it (uncompressed for reasons mentioned above) to a placeholder location on the production box, repackage it to a war, and then hand it to the manager locally. There exists a nice ant task that ships with Tomcat allowing you to script deployments using the Tomcat manager app.
There is an additional flaw in your approach that you haven't mentioned: While your application is partially deployed (during an rsync operation), your application could be in an inconsistent state where changed interfaces may be out of sync, new/updated dependencies may be unavailable, etc. Also, depending on how long your rsync job takes, your application may actually restart multiple times. Are you aware that you can and should turn off the listening-for-changed-files-and-restarting behavior in Tomcat? It is actually not recommended for production systems. You can always do a manual or ant scripted restart of your application using the Tomcat manager app.
Your application will be unavailable to users during a restart, of course. But if you're so concerned about availability, you surely have redundant web servers behind a load balancer. When deploying an updated war file, you could temporarily have the load balancer send all requests to other web servers until the deployment is over. Rinse and repeat for your other web servers.