I have a backbone.js app (www.github.com/juggy/job-board) where I want to bind my form inputs directly to my model (a la Sproutcore).
Is it possible with Backbone.js (or
I'm not sure how SC does it but probably they listen for events too.
window.SomeView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"change input.content": "contentChanged"
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'contentChanged');
this.inputContent = this.$('input.content');
contentChanged: function(e) {
var input = this.inputContent;
// if you use local storage save
this.model.save({content: input.val()});
// if you send request to server is prob. good idea to set the var and save at the end, in a blur event or in some sync. maintenance timer.
// this.model.set({content: input.val()});