I am used to the classical OOP as in Java.
What are the best practices to do OOP in JavaScript using NodeJS?
Each Class is a file with module.export
As Node.js community ensure new features from the JavaScript ECMA-262 specification are brought to Node.js developers in a timely manner.
You can take a look at JavaScript classes. MDN link to JS classes In the ECMAScript 6 JavaScript classes are introduced, this method provide easier way to model OOP concepts in Javascript.
Note : JS classes will work in only strict mode.
Below is some skeleton of class,inheritance written in Node.js ( Used Node.js Version v5.0.0 )
Class declarations :
'use strict';
class Animal{
this.name = name ;
console.log('Name is :'+ this.name);
var a1 = new Animal('Dog');
Inheritance :
'use strict';
class Base{
// methods definitions go here
class Child extends Base{
// methods definitions go here
var childObj = new Child();