There are a lot of threads pertaining to how to configure Vim/GVim for Perl development on My purpose in posting this question is to try to create, as much as pos
I find the following abbreviations useful
iab perlb print "Content-type: text/html\n\n zdebug + $_ + $' + $` line ".__LINE__.__FILE__."\n";exit;
iab perlbb print "Content-type: text/html\n\n
zdebug a line ".__LINE__.__FILE__."\n";exit;
iab perlbd do{print "Content-type: text/html\n\nzdebug a line ".__LINE__."\n";exit} if $_ =~ /\w\w/i;
iab perld print "Content-type: text/html\n\n dumper";use Data::Dumper;$Data::Dumper::Pad="
";print Dumper a ;exit;
iab perlf foreach $line ( keys %ENV ) { }
iab perle while (($k,$v) = each %ENV) { print "
$k = $v\n"; }
iab perli x = (i<4) ? 4 : i;
iab perlif if ($i==1){}else{}
iab perlh $html=<<___HTML___;___HTML___
You can make them perl only with
au bufenter *.pl iab xbug print "zdebug ::: $_ :: $' :: $` line ".__LINE__."\n";exit;