When using Sublime Text 2 we tend to open the side bar to navigate thru files/folders in our projects. For that we can use the hotkey ctrl+k ctrl+b (i
Ctrl + 0
will focus on the side bar.
Ctrl + 1
will focus on the editor in the 1st window.
Ctrl + 2
will focus on the editor in the 2nd window etc.
Sandeep made a great post about improving the keyboard shortcut toggling side bar on/off.
Go to Preference->Key Binding and enter:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+\\"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" },
save it and then press "ctrl+\"
to toggle the sidebar.
In Linux new keybindings are saved in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/'Default (Linux).sublime-keymap'.