Is there a rake command to wipe out the data in the database tables?
How do I create a db:seed script to pre-fill data to my tables?
on Rails 6 you can now do something like
rake db:seed:replant
This Truncates tables of each database for current environment and loads the seeds
$ rails db:seed:replant --trace
** Invoke db:seed:replant (first_time)
** Invoke db:load_config (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute db:load_config
** Invoke db:truncate_all (first_time)
** Invoke db:load_config
** Invoke db:check_protected_environments (first_time)
** Invoke db:load_config
** Execute db:check_protected_environments
** Execute db:truncate_all
** Invoke db:seed (first_time)
** Invoke db:load_config
** Execute db:seed
** Invoke db:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time)
** Invoke db:load_config
** Execute db:abort_if_pending_migrations
** Execute db:seed:replant