I am trying to find an app that can detect faces in my pictures, make the detected face centered and crop 720 x 720 pixels of the picture. It is rather very time consuming &
Another available option is dlib, which is based on machine learning approaches.
import dlib
from PIL import Image
from skimage import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def detect_faces(image):
# Create a face detector
face_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
# Run detector and get bounding boxes of the faces on image.
detected_faces = face_detector(image, 1)
face_frames = [(x.left(), x.top(),
x.right(), x.bottom()) for x in detected_faces]
return face_frames
# Load image
img_path = 'test.jpg'
image = io.imread(img_path)
# Detect faces
detected_faces = detect_faces(image)
# Crop faces and plot
for n, face_rect in enumerate(detected_faces):
face = Image.fromarray(image).crop(face_rect)
plt.subplot(1, len(detected_faces), n+1)