With this CSV example:
The standard method I use Pandas is this:
Parse CSV<
Ceaveat The following is applicable only to d3 v3, and not the latest d4v4!
I am partial to d3.js, and while it won't be a total replacement for Pandas, if you spend some time learning its paradigm, it should be able to take care of all your data wrangling for you. (And if you wind up wanting to display results in the browser, it's ideally suited to that.)
Example. My CSV file data.csv
In the same directory, create an index.html
containing the following:
My D3 demo
and also a demo.js
file containing the following:
// How to format each row. Since the CSV file has a header, `row` will be
// an object with keys derived from the header.
function(row) {
return {name : row.name, age : +row.age, color : row.color};
// Callback to run once all data's loaded and ready.
function(data) {
// Log the data to the JavaScript console
// Compute some interesting results
var averageAge = data.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
return prev + curr.age;
}, 0) / data.length;
// Also, display it
var ulSelection = d3.select('body').append('ul');
var valuesSelection =
function(d) { return d.age; });
var totalSelection =
ulSelection.append('li').text('Average: ' + averageAge);
In the directory, run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8181
, and open http://localhost:8181 in your browser to see a simple listing of the ages and their average.
This simple example shows a few relevant features of d3: