How does the following JavaScript work?
I understand that it is minified code. I have tried de-obfuscating it a little, but I can\'t get a clear concept of how it achiev
Here is the annotated source. Ps: I'm the author ;)
function z(){ // will be replaced with eval
p = "<" + "pre>"; // use tag for formatted output
for ( // loop though lines
y in n = ( // y - the line number
"zw24" + // n - the encoded data
"l6k4" + // every line holds encoded data
"e3t4" +
"jnt4" + // string will be concated in build process
"qj24" +
"xh2 4" + // data after spaces will be ignored but
"2kty24" + // … is used to not break block comments
"wrt4" + // … which will save some chars
"13n24" +
"3n9h24" +
"3pdxt4" +
"1csb 4" +
"3iyb6k4" +
"3pk724" +
).split(4) // data will be split by (unused) 4
for ( // loop throug every char in line
a in t = parseInt( // numbers are encoded as string
n[y], // … with a base of 36
) + ( // large number will be converted to string
e = // e - holds the rendered globe
x = // x - horizonal position
r = [] // r - bitmap flag if pixel is set
r = !r; // toggle binary flag
for ( // look though bitmap states
i = 0;
t[a] > i; // draw pixel t[a]-times
i += .05
with (Math) // refer to Math later
x -= .05,
0 > cos( // prevent backface visibility
o =
new Date / 1e3 + // get rotation based on current time
x / PI
) && (
e[ // access matrix
~~( // convert float to integer
sin(o) * // rotate around y axis
sin(.5 + y/7) *
32 // scale up the globe
) + 60 // move to center
] = -~r // store bitmap state in render matrix
for ( // loop through columns
x = 0;
122 > x; // break after char 122
) p += " *#"[ // add space, asterisk or hash
e[x++] + // … based pixel opacity
] || (S = ( // otherwise use the original code
"eval(z='" + // inception of missing "eval" statement
.split(B = "\\") // escape \ with \\
.join(B + B)
.split(Q = "'") // escape ' with \'
.join(B + Q) +
Q + // add missing ')
")////////" // add extra chars to fill mapping
x / 2 + // get character at current position
61 * y-1
).fontcolor( // colorize outpu
/\w/.test(S) && // test for [0-9A-Z]
"#03B" // render blue
// otherwise pink (default)
document.body.innerHTML = // render output
p += // append new line
B + // add backspace
"\n"; // add new line
setTimeout(z) // render animation on next frame