I have an embedded application with a time-critical ISR that needs to iterate through an array of size 256 (preferably 1024, but 256 is the minimum) and check if a value matches
I'm sorry if my answer was already answered - just I'm a lazy reader. Feel you free to downvote then ))
1) you could remove counter 'i' at all - just compare pointers, ie
for (ptr = &the_array[0]; ptr < the_array+1024; ptr++)
if (compareVal == *ptr)
... compare ptr and the_array+1024 here - you do not need validFlag at all.
all that won't give any significant improvement though, such optimization probably could be achieved by the compiler itself.
2) As it was already mentioned by other answers, almost all modern CPU are RISC-based, for example ARM. Even modern Intel X86 CPUs use RISC cores inside, as far as I know (compiling from X86 on fly). Major optimization for RISC is pipeline optimization (and for Intel and other CPU as well), minimizing code jumps. One type of such optimization (probably a major one), is "cycle rollback" one. It's incredibly stupid, and efficient, even Intel compiler can do that AFAIK. It looks like:
if (compareVal == the_array[0]) { validFlag = true; goto end_of_compare; }
if (compareVal == the_array[1]) { validFlag = true; goto end_of_compare; }
...and so on...
This way the optimization is that the pipeline is not broken for the worst case (if compareVal is absent in the array), so it is as fast as possible (of course not counting algorithm optimizations such as hash tables, sorted arrays and so on, mentioned in other answers, which may give better results depending on array size. Cycles Rollback approach can be applied there as well by the way. I'm writing here about that I think I didn't see in others)
The second part of this optimization is that that array item is taken by direct address (calculated at compiling stage, make sure you use a static array), and do not need additional ADD op to calculate pointer from array's base address. This optimization may not have significant effect, since AFAIK ARM architecture has special features to speed up arrays addressing. But anyway it's always better to know that you did all the best just in C code directly, right?
Cycle Rollback may look awkward due to waste of ROM (yep, you did right placing it to fast part of RAM, if your board supports this feature), but actually it's a fair pay for speed, being based on RISC concept. This is just a general point of calculation optimization - you sacrifice space for sake of speed, and vice versa, depending on your requirements.
If you think that rollback for array of 1024 elements is too large sacrifice for your case, you can consider 'partial rollback', for example dividing the array into 2 parts of 512 items each, or 4x256, and so on.
3) modern CPU often support SIMD ops, for example ARM NEON instruction set - it allows to execute the same ops in parallel. Frankly speaking I do not remember if it is suitable for comparison ops, but I feel it may be, you should check that. Googling shows that there may be some tricks as well, to get max speed, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/5734019/1028256
I hope it can give you some new ideas.