I\'ve been thinking a lot lately about how to go about doing functional programming in C (not C++). Obviously, C is a procedural language and doesn\'t really support f
The way I went about doing functional programming in C was to write a functional language interpreter in C. I named it Fexl, which is short for "Function EXpression Language."
The interpreter is very small, compiling down to 68K on my system with -O3 enabled. It's not a toy either - I'm using it for all the new production code I write for my business (web-based accounting for investment partnerships.)
Now I write C code only to (1) add a built-in function that calls a system routine (e.g. fork, exec, setrlimit, etc.), or (2) optimize a function that could otherwise be written in Fexl (e.g. search for a substring).
The module mechanism is based on the concept of a "context". A context is a function (written in Fexl) which maps a symbol to its definition. When you read a Fexl file, you can resolve it with any context you like. This allows you to create custom environments, or run code in a restricted "sandbox."