I guess you forgot that Assembly language is also a language :)
But seriously, C programs are faster only when the programmer knows what he's doing. You can easily write a C program that runs slower than programs written in other languages that do the same job.
The reason why C is faster is because it is designed in this way. It lets you do a lot of "lower level" stuff that helps the compiler to optimize the code. Or, shall we say, you the programmer are responsible for optimizing the code. But it's often quite tricky and error prone.
Other languages, like others already mentioned, focus more on productivity of the programmer. It is commonly believed that programmer time is much more expensive than machine time (even in the old days). So it makes a lot of sense to minimize the time programmers spend on writing and debugging programs instead of the running time of the programs. To do that, you will sacrifice a bit on what you can do to make the program faster because a lot of things are automated.