I typically do:
tar -czvf my_directory.tar.gz my_directory
What if I just want to include everything (including any hidden system files) in my_
I would propose the following Bash function (first argument is the path to the dir, second argument is the basename of resulting archive):
function tar_dir_contents ()
local DIRPATH="$1"
local TARARCH="$2.tar.gz"
local ORGIFS="$IFS"
tar -C "$DIRPATH" -czf "$TARARCH" $( ls -a "$DIRPATH" | grep -v '\(^\.$\)\|\(^\.\.$\)' )
You can run it in this way:
$ tar_dir_contents /path/to/some/dir my_archive
and it will generate the archive my_archive.tar.gz
within current directory. It works with hidden (.*) elements and with elements with spaces in their filename.