Bomb dropping algorithm

后端 未结 30 885
挽巷 2021-01-29 16:55

I have an n x m matrix consisting of non-negative integers. For example:

2 3 4 7 1
1 5 2 6 2
4 3 4 2 1
2 1 2 4 1
3 1 3 4 1
2 1 4 3 2
6 9 1 6 4

  •  旧时难觅i
    2021-01-29 17:54

    I got 28 moves as well. I used two tests for the best next move: first the move producing the minimum sum for the board. Second, for equal sums, the move producing the maximum density, defined as:

    number-of-zeros / number-of-groups-of-zeros

    This is Haskell. "solve board" shows the engine's solution. You can play the game by typing "main", then enter a target point, "best" for a recommendation, or "quit" to quit.

    *Main> solve board

    import Data.List
    import Data.List.Split
    import Data.Ord
    import Data.Function(on)
    board = [2,3,4,7,1,
    n = 5
    m = 7
    updateBoard board pt =
      let x = fst pt
          y = snd pt
          precedingLines = replicate ((y-2) * n) 0
          bomb = concat $ replicate (if y == 1
                                        then 2
                                        else min 3 (m+2-y)) (replicate (x-2) 0 
                                                             ++ (if x == 1 
                                                                    then [1,1]
                                                                    else replicate (min 3 (n+2-x)) 1)
                                                                    ++ replicate (n-(x+1)) 0)
      in zipWith (\a b -> max 0 (a-b)) board (precedingLines ++ bomb ++ repeat 0)
    showBoard board = 
      let top = "   " ++ (concat $ map (\x -> show x ++ ".") [1..n]) ++ "\n"
          chunks = chunksOf n board
      in putStrLn (top ++ showBoard' chunks "" 1)
           where showBoard' []     str count = str
                 showBoard' (x:xs) str count =
                   showBoard' xs (str ++ show count ++ "." ++ show x ++ "\n") (count+1)
    instances _ [] = 0
    instances x (y:ys)
      | x == y    = 1 + instances x ys
      | otherwise = instances x ys
    density a = 
      let numZeros = instances 0 a
          groupsOfZeros = filter (\x -> head x == 0) (group a)
      in if null groupsOfZeros then 0 else numZeros / fromIntegral (length groupsOfZeros)
    boardDensity board = sum (map density (chunksOf n board))
    moves = [(a,b) | a <- [2..n-1], b <- [2..m-1]]               
    bestMove board = 
      let lowestSumMoves = take 1 $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd) 
                                  $ sortBy (comparing snd) (map (\x -> (x, sum $ updateBoard board x)) (moves))
      in if null lowestSumMoves
            then (0,0)
            else let lowestSumMoves' = map (\x -> fst x) (head lowestSumMoves) 
                 in fst $ head $ reverse $ sortBy (comparing snd) 
                    (map (\x -> (x, boardDensity $ updateBoard board x)) (lowestSumMoves'))   
    solve board = solve' board [] where
      solve' board result
        | sum board == 0 = result
        | otherwise      = 
            let best = bestMove board 
            in solve' (updateBoard board best) (result ++ [best])
    main :: IO ()
    main = mainLoop board where
      mainLoop board = do 
        putStrLn ""
        showBoard board
        putStr "Pt: "
        a <- getLine
        case a of 
          "quit"    -> do putStrLn ""
                          return ()
          "best"    -> do putStrLn (show $ bestMove board)
                          mainLoop board
          otherwise -> let ws = splitOn "," a
                           pt = (read (head ws), read (last ws))
                       in do mainLoop (updateBoard board pt)
