Hi I have tried some demo ad\'s from adMob I could successfully display some ad\'s in my application until yesterday but today when I tried to run the same application it was sh
Initially I used to click live ad's even during the development phase so my adMob account is blocked and not able to get any live ad's from adMob server so after some investigation I get to know how can i display some dummy ad's for testing and development stage.
Here is the answer for it:
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice( "69AEF8955FAE39BFDF64CDB6D8911089").build(); use the above line of code during testing and development phase.Replace 69..... with the string that u find in your logcat when u run your application.
AdRequest adRequest=new AdRequest.Builder().build(); use the above code during production phase,comment this during testing and development phase.