The user inputs a sentence in text-field , and than enters the number 4 in a text-field and 6 in another text-field. It Capitalize the sentence at where the 4th letter is and t
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func capitalize(string: String, positions: IndexSet) -> String {
let range = (0.. 0,
positions.allSatisfy({ range ~= $0 }) else {
fatalError("Couldn't capitalize")
return String(string.enumerated().map{ (index, char) in
return positions.contains(index) ? String(char).capitalized.first! : char
var str = "there are 12 months in a year"
capitalize(string: str, positions: [3, 6]) //"theRe Are 12 months in a year"
If you'd like to only count letters, and to have the counting start by 1:
func capitalize(string: String, positions: IndexSet) -> String {
guard string.count > 0 else {
fatalError("There is nothing to capitalize")
let zeroBasedPositions = {$0 - 1}
guard zeroBasedPositions.allSatisfy({ $0 >= 0 }) else {
fatalError("The positions should be one-based")
let letterIndexes = string
.filter { (index, char) in
CharacterSet(charactersIn: String(char))
.isSubset(of: CharacterSet.letters)
}.map { $0.0 }
guard let positionsMax = zeroBasedPositions.max(),
positionsMax <= letterIndexes.count
else {
fatalError("There are only \(letterIndexes.count) letters")
let lettersToCapitalizeIndexes = { letterIndexes[$0] }
return String(string.enumerated().map{ (index, char) in
if lettersToCapitalizeIndexes.contains(index) {
return String(char).capitalized.first!
} else {
return char
var str = "there are 12 months in a year"
capitalize(string: str, positions: [4, 6]) //"theRe Are 12 months in a year"