I am trying to print only the maximum occurring character and its count.
import collections
s = raw_input()
k = (collections.Counter(s).most_common(1)[0])
The quotes aren't in the data, they are just added when displaying the content on the screen. If you print the value rather than the string representation of the tuple you'll see there are no quotes or brackets in the data. So, the problem isn't "how do I remove the quotes and brackets?" but rather "how do I format the data the way I want?".
For example, using your code you can see the character and the count without the quotes and brackets like this:
print k[0], k[1] # python 2
print(k[0], k[1]) # python 3
And, of course, you can use string formatting:
print "%s, %i" % k # python 2
print("%s, %i" % k) # python 3