Running through exercises on testdome...currently looking at
Implement function
If you like to implement your own BST, you can try the following code. It is written in Python. You can rewrite it in other languages if required. It passes all the 4 tests.
def count_numbers(sorted_list, less_than):
if len(sorted_list) == 0 or sorted_list[0] >= less_than:
return 0
if sorted_list[-1] < less_than:
return len(sorted_list)
arr = sorted_list
def lt_array(low, high, arr):
mid = low + (high-low+1) //2
if arr[mid] >= less_than and arr[mid-1] < less_than:
return mid
if arr[mid] > less_than:
return lt_array(low,mid,arr)
return lt_array(mid, high, arr)
return lt_array(0,len(sorted_list)-1, arr)