Shell script, bash, have 2 large files around 1.2 GB data, with key and values, I need to compare both files based on the key and store difference in the value in the third file
If your input files are too large to fit in memory then you could create a set of tag-value pairs from each tag-values line in each input file, e.g.:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {tag=$0; sub(/ [^; ]+(;.*|$)/,"",tag); sub(/[^;]+ /,""); for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print tag, $i}' file2
1332240_44557576_CONTI Mazed & Micro kjd $353.50_30062020_lsdf3_some-rule;232324L
1332240_44557576_CONTI Mazed & Micro kjd $353.50_30062020_lsdf3_some-rule;343223432H
and then use standard UNIX tools like sort and comm to get the differences you want and then recombine with awk into the original tag-values. Here's how the whole thing could work:
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
separate() {
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS=";" }
tag = $0
sub(/ [^; ]+(;.*|$)/,"",tag)
sub(/[^;]+ /,"")
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
print tag, $i
' "${@:--}" | sort
combine() {
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS=";" }
$1 != prev {
printf "%s%s", ors, $1
prev = $1
ors = ORS
ofs = " "
printf "%s%s", ofs, $2
ofs = OFS
printf "%s", ors
' "${@:--}"
comm -23 <(separate "$1") <(separate "$2") | combine
$ ./ file1 file2
1332239_44557576_CONTI Lased & Micro kjd $353.50_30062020_lsdf3_no-rule 343323H;343343432H;343434311H;454656556H
1332240_44557576_CONTI Mazed & Micro kjd $353.50_30062020_lsdf3_some-rule 2226556H
test1 marco
test2 liza;zen
test3 alan;harry;tom
test4 june
and if you in future want to find the tag-value pairs in file2 but not file1 or the pairs in both then you'd just change comm -23
to comm -13
or comm -12