Im trying to build an app where the user inputs a number at a textfield and after pressing the button another view shows up with the result of that input.
Each number th
As far as I understand your question, if you need a method returning the string title depending on the number provided you can make your method as a class method of your LibraryData
class, not instance method, like:
+ (NSString *)titleStringFromInt: (NSInteger) intVal {
if (intVal < 5000)
return @"Poor!";
return @"Rich!";
And call it from your controller like, [LibraryData titleStringFromInt: [[ViewController.fieldLabel text] intValue]]
If you need to actually store data into your LibraryData class being accessible from all other controllers in your app, I would suggest taking into singleton pattern implementation.
For example using blocks:
+ (LibraryData *)instance
static dispatch_once_t onceToken = 0;
__strong static id _sharedObject = nil;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
_sharedObject = [[self alloc] init];
return _sharedObject;
And call it, like [LibraryData instance].number from your ViewController code. Anyway I think it's a good to move your if/else code out of getter method of your variable to some helper class method.