I have a data.frame A and a data.frame B which contains a subset of A
How can I create a data.frame C which is data.frame A with data.frame B excluded? Thanks for your h
A <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
#Random subset of A in B
B <- A[sample(nrow(A),3),]
#get A that is not in B
C <- A[-as.integer(rownames(B)),]
Performance test vis-a-vis mplourde's answer:
f1 <- function() A[- as.integer(rownames(B)),]
f2 <- function() A[! data.frame(t(A)) %in% data.frame(t(B)), ]
benchmark(f1(), f2(), replications = 10000,
columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
order = "elapsed"
test elapsed relative
1 f1() 1.531 1.0000
2 f2() 8.846 5.7779
Looking at the rownames is approximately 6x faster. Two calls to transpose can get expensive computationally.