I\'m looking for the most efficient way to figure out a change amount (Quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies) from a purchase amount. The purchase amount must be less than $1, a
The above soloution working.
amount=int(input("Please enter amount in pence"))
coins = [50, 25, 10, 5, 2, 1]
coinsReturned = []
for i in coins:
while amount >=i:
amount = amount - i
Alternatively a solution can reached by using the floor and mod functions.
amount = int(input( "Please enter amount in pence" ))
# math floor of 50
fifty = amount // 50
# mod of 50 and floor of 20
twenty = amount % 50 // 20
# mod of 50 and 20 and floor of 10
ten = amount % 50 % 20 // 10
# mod of 50 , 20 and 10 and floor of 5
five = amount % 50 % 20 % 10 // 5
# mod of 50 , 20 , 10 and 5 and floor of 2
two = amount % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 // 2
# mod of 50 , 20 , 10 , 5 and 2 and floor of 1
one = amount % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 % 2 //1
print("50p>>> " , fifty , " 20p>>> " , twenty , " 10p>>> " , ten , " 5p>>> " , five , " 2p>>> " , two , " 1p>>> " , one )
Or another solution
amount=int(input("Please enter the change to be given"))
listOfCoins=["fifty" ,"twenty five", "ten", "five", "two" , "one"]
change = []
for coin in coins:
print("The minimum coinage to return from " ,endAmount, "p is as follows")
for i in range(len(coins)):
print("There's " , change[i] ,"....", listOfCoins[i] , "pence pieces in your change" )