I have App \"Music App\" for tow users type \"Guest, a user registered\"
I have a bottom navigator for those, When Guest opens my app I want to render just 4 bottom tabs
I think you meant to make App
a component. In this case it'd be a functional component, so no this
, and you also need to return valid JSX.
const App = props => props.isLogin ? (
) : (
Notice I've PascalCased the notLoginTabs
component to be react compliant, and returning them as JSX with props
spread in.
If the child components don't care about isLogin
then destructure it out before passing props. This cleans up the code and doesn't pass unnecessary props on to children.
const App = ({ isLogin, ...props }) => isLogin ? (
) : (
Create a tabs component which houses your authenticated and unauthenticated tabs.
const LoginTabs = createBottomTabNavigator( ... );
const NotLoginTabs = createBottomTabNavigator( ... );
const Tabs = ({ isLogin, ...props }) => isLogin ? (
) : (
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
isLogin: state.user.isLogin,
export default AuthTabs = connect(mapStateToProps)(Tabs)
In AppTest
const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator(
TabHome: {
screen: AuthTabs,