I applied the exact steps as mentioned in the google developer doc to create an example google map project and everything went fine on the emulator, but when I generated the pro
You will get .keystore
or .jks
file while generating signed APK.In fact using that you have to create the finger print for your application which is later used to generate Android Key in Google developer console.
Now what you have to do is use the command to generate the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint
keytool -list -v -keystore "path_to_jks_file.jks" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
In that path_to_jks_file.jks
you should give the path of your .jks
file that you got when generating signed APK.
And get your android key from google developer console then add it in manifest
And remember to add the signing configuration to your build.gradle
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file("myreleasekey.jks")
storePassword "password"
keyAlias "MyReleaseKey"
keyPassword "password"
Signing your application
Visit for clarification.
An elaborated explanations Signup and API Keys
AFAIK these information's good enough for resolving your issue.tell me if any further.