According to stackoverflow searching, this question exactly describes what I need to understand now, but there are no answers or comments and It viewed only 6 times:
The issue is that AsysForBitmap is not finishing the job while you are reading the next item and myBitmap will be overlapped with the next image.
Try to do it like this
case XmlPullParser.START_TAG:
tagname = parser.getName();
if (parser.getName().equals(iconsrc)){
iconsrcVALUE = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "src");
SomeItem item = new SomeItem(displaynameValue, myBitmap);
item.getIconResource = new AsyncForBitmap().execute(iconsrcVALUE).get();
if (parser.getName().equals(displayname)) {
displaynameValue = parser.nextText();