I need help with my first program in assembler. I have to convert values entered by user from decimal to binary. I have no idea how can I show values as a decimal, and what shou
I think it will be ok for you.
; Read an integer from the screen and display the int in binary format
; and continue until number is negative.
again: ; For loop
call read_int ; take the integer from screen
cmp eax,0 ; look if number is not negative
JL end: ; if less than zero program ends.
mov ecx,32 ; for loop we set ecx to 32 ; ATTENTION we not specified type. So compiler will get error.
mov ebx,eax ; we will lost our number in eax, so I take it to ebx
xor eax,eax ; eax = 0
SHL ebx,1 ; shift the top bit out of EBX into CF
ADC eax,0 ; EAX = EAX + CF + 0 ADD CARRY FLAG, so eax is zero we add zero. The new eax will exact value of Carry Flag which is out bit.
call print_int ; Then we print the CF which we took the eax.
LOOP start: ; Loop looks ecx if not 0 it goes start.
call print_nl ; For next number we print a new line
JMP again: ; For take new number
END: ; End of the program.
setc al
would also work instead of adc eax,0
, and be more efficient on some CPUs.