I have a problem in my project.
To describe this issue I have wrote simplified code snippet:
function waitFor(fnReady, fnCallback) {
var check = fun
I personally would use promises for this, but you've said no promises (not sure why), so here's a generic sequencer algorithm in plain javascript (tested in the jsFiddle linked below):
function sequence(fn) {
// initialize sequence data upon first use
if (typeof sequence.low === "undefined") {
sequence.low = sequence.high = 0;
sequence.results = {};
// save id in local variable so we can reference it in the closure from the function below
var id = sequence.high;
// advance to next sequence number
// initialize the result value for this sequence callback
sequence.results[id] = {fn: fn, args: [], ready: false, context: null};
return function(/* args */) {
// save args and context and mark it ready
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
// get the results object for this callback and save info in it
var thisResult = sequence.results[id];
thisResult.args = args;
thisResult.context = this;
thisResult.ready = true;
// now process any requests in order that are ready
for (var i = sequence.low; i < sequence.high; i++) {
var result = sequence.results[i];
// if this one is ready, process it
if (result.ready) {
// increment counter past this result
// remove this stored result
delete sequence.results[i];
// process this result
result.fn.apply(result.context, result.args);
} else {
// if this one not ready, then nothing to do yet
// your usage:
google.maps.event.addListener(searchBox, 'bounds_changed', sequence(renderTerminalsOnMapAndFitBounds));
$.getJSON('getAllTerminals.json', sequence(renderTerminalsOnMapAndFitBounds));
$.getJSON('getAllTerminalsInsideRectangle.json', sequence(renderTerminalsOnMapAndFitBounds));
$.getJSON('getAllTerminalsInsideCircle.json', sequence(renderTerminalsOnMapAndFitBounds));
$.getJSON('getBigTerminals.json', sequence(renderTerminalsOnMapAndFitBounds));
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/aqugm1fs/
Conceptually, what this does is as follows:
Note: while all the examples you have use the same callback function, this will work with any callback function so it would work with a mix of different types of operations.