Creating a demo process for calling BP travels VBO in Blue Prism. Want to capture the data in the create quote tab using capture collection in Process Studio and pass the data t
First Open VBO- BP travels and open the respective action page
Now drag and drop a collection data item and name it as "Input collection" and click on Ok
Then open start stage and click on Add and enter the following Name as Input collection Description as Collection that is passed from process studio to object studio Type as collection Store In as Input collection i.e., the collection data item name which you created in step 2
After adding the details, click on ok and then save and publish the object.
Now open the process and open the respective Action stage i.e., where you are calling the object and have a glance in Inputs tab
Now the name added in step 3 i.e., Input Collection will be reflected here.
Now drag and drop the collection i.e., Capture Collection which you wished to pass to object studio.
When you run this stage the a copy of capture collection will be passed from process studio to object studio.
Note: If you want to pass the collection data from object studio to process studio follow the same process but in object studio you should create in End stage which will be reflecting in Process Studio -> Action stage -> Outputs tab