I have 1000 divs and 20 of them are visible and remaining are hidden.
In the onClick jquery event, I want the next 20 divs to become visible and so on.
I'd suggest something akin to the following, though I'd strongly recommend making it into a function, or plugin:
var perSlice = 20; // how many to show on each 'page'
// hides all but the first 'page' of the matched elements
$('#wrap > div').hide().slice(0, perSlice).show();
function(e) {
// reference to the elements being 'paged'
var divs = $('#wrap div'),
// the first of the visible 'paged' elements
firstVisible = divs.filter(':visible:first'),
// the index of the first visible 'paged' elements
firstVisibleIndex = firstVisible.index('#wrap div'),
lastVisible = divs.filter(':visible:last'),
lastVisibleIndex = lastVisible.index('#wrap div'),
// the index of the first of the 'paged' elements
firstIndex = divs.filter(':first').index('#wrap div'),
lastIndex = divs.filter(':last').index('#wrap div');
// if you've clicked the a element with id="prev"
if (this.id == 'prev') {
// prevents the default action of the link
// if the index of the first visible element is the same as the
// index of the first element
if (firstVisibleIndex == firstIndex) {
// don't do anything, and exit
return false;
else {
// otherwise, hide all the paged elements
// and then take a selection of those paged elements, and show them
divs.slice((firstVisibleIndex) - perSlice, firstVisibleIndex).show();
else if (this.id == 'next') {
if (lastVisibleIndex == lastIndex) {
return false;
else {
divs.slice((lastVisibleIndex + 1), (lastVisibleIndex + 1) + perSlice).show();
JS Fiddle demo.