I think the core part of this problem is not adding the new age field to the end. but the age calculation.
try this:
awk -F'/|,' '{b=mktime($5" "$4" "$3" 00 00 00 00");a=(systime()-b)/(365*24*60*60);a=a==int(a)?a:int(a)+1;print $0","a}' file
well maybe I should not put them into one line:
awk -F'/|,' '{b=mktime($5" "$4" "$3" 00 00 00 00");
a=a==int(a)?a:int(a)+1;print $0","a}' file
test with your example data:
kent$ echo "Dave,ws245f,09/12/2000"|awk -F'/|,' '{b=mktime($5" "$4" "$3" 00 00 00 00");a=(systime()-b)/(365*24*60*60);a=a==int(a)?a:int(a)+1;print $0","a}'
as you can see, I didn't check the title line, a NR>1
check could easily skip the title. You could DIY.
hope it helps