<i wanna change the capital cin to lower case for the input , for example if cin>> one one=R it should be r so it convert it automatically
You can write your code using transform:
string one;
string two;
cout << "\nPlayer One, please enter your move: ('p' for Paper, 'r' for Rock, '" << std::endl;
cin >> one;
std::transform(one.begin(), one.end(), one.begin(), ::tolower);
cout <<"\nPlayer Two, please enter your move: ('P' for Paper, 'R' for Rock, 'S'" << std::endl;
cin >> two;
std::transform(two.begin(), two.end(), two.begin(), ::tolower);
std::cout << "one=" << one << " ; two=" << two << std::endl;
The output may be as follows (for R, P):
Player One, please enter your move: ('p' for Paper, 'r' for Rock, '
Player Two, please enter your move: ('P' for Paper, 'R' for Rock, 'S'
one=r ; two=p