I have this method that checks the username and password of a user before login. Now my for loop checks only the first item, it finds that the first condition, u.getRole()
for (User u: list) {
if (u.getRole().equalsIgnoreCase("recruiter")) {
if (u.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(userName) && u.getPassword().equalsIgnoreCase(password))
//2 sysout
return u;
break; //here break statement will exit your loop just after first Iteration.
so try this code.
for (User u: list) {
if (u.getRole().equalsIgnoreCase("recruiter")) {
if (u.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(userName) && u.getPassword().equalsIgnoreCase(password)){
//2 sysout
return u;
} else{
//your code if password doesnot matched
// continue even if more than one recruiter type User Object are in Database.
//your code if user Role doesnot matched
} //loop will check all element present in that array. and if it's ROLE is matched like "Recuriter" then it will check user and password.