Have an assignment of finding average and maximum rainfall in file \"BoulderWeatherData.csv\". Have found the average using this code:
rain = open(\"BoulderW
import csv
INPUT = "BoulderWeatherData.csv"
PRECIP = 4 # 5th column
with open(INPUT, "rU") as inf:
incsv = csv.reader(inf)
header = next(incsv, None) # skip header row
precip = [float(row[PRECIP]) for row in incsv]
avg_precip = sum(precip, 0.) / (1 and len(precip)) # prevent div-by-0
max_precip = max(precip)
"Avg precip: {:0.3f} in/day, max precip: {:0.3f} in/day"
.format(avg_precip, max_precip)
Avg precip: 0.055 in/day, max precip: 1.980 in/day