I am working on a project(ASP.NET website) where i need to call method in webpage from a class.
///Default Page Method is
public partial class _Default :
I would do it the other way around. Add the method to the class (with a GridView as an argument):
public class BLMethods
public BLMethods(GridView gv)
List objPersonList = new List();
clsPerson objPerson = new clsPerson();
objPerson.personID = i;
objPerson.personName = "Person" + i;
private void BindGridView(GridView gv, List objPersonList)
gv.DataSource = objPersonList.ToList();
Default Page Method is
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
BLMethods objBLMethods = new BLMethods(GridView1);
Try giving getters and setters to your clsPerson class properties:
public class clsPerson
public int personID {get;set;}
public string personName {get;set;}