Is it possible to send DTMF tones in active call in android ? I tried it with proxyphone.sendDtmf()
but it was useless.
How can i achieve it ?
Try this method() .It is getting the number and delay from user.
private void call(int profileid) {//call procedure logic
ProfileDo profile = adapter.getProfile(profileid);
if (profile.getStepCount() == 0) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Please edit the profile and add atleast one value to make a call", 10000).show();
String call = "tel:";
for (StepDO step : profile.getSteps()) {
String value = URLEncoder.encode(step.getValue());
int delay = step.getDelay();
String pausesStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < delay / 2; i++) {
pausesStr += PhoneNumberUtils.PAUSE;
call += value + pausesStr;
startActivity(new Intent("android.intent.action.CALL", Uri.parse(call)));