EDIT 3 (Jully)
Problem is now back again!
android.accounts.AuthenticatorException: ServiceDisabled
So my email app is
Problem understood and solved!
Since January 2019, some OAuth2 scopes are restricted.
Also, the Additional Requirements for Specific API Scopes page sates:
Enforcement of the requirements in this section will begin on January 15, 2019 when all new applications must undergo a new application review process before accessing certain API scopes. Applications submitted for verification before January 15, 2019 will be given a grace period to come into compliance, and must submit for re-review no later than February 15, 2019. To learn more about these new requirements, read our blog post, Elevating user trust in our API ecosystem, and the OAuth Application Verification FAQ.
In order to have your Android apps being compliant with this, you must create a new "ID clients OAuth 2.0" for Android.
This ID has to be created on this page https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
The odd thing is that all this seems related to G Suite and Google APIs, not Android SDK.
It's probably because the OAuth part of the Android SDK uses the Google API behind the scene, more precisely, the AccountManager#getAuthToken method does use it.