I am trying to create a query, to find the count of total number of answers (that I have give in stackoverflow) corresponding to each tag.
Through this, I am able to fin
Below query finds the total number of answers against each tag for a user. It does not consider the self-answered questions of the user, as it can give little additional count.
--Self answered questions dont count
select t.TagName, COUNT(q.Id) as countofAnsweredQuestions
from Posts q
inner join PostTags AS pt
ON pt.PostId = q.Id
inner join Posts a
on a.parentId = q.Id
inner join Tags as t
on pt.tagId = t.Id
where q.CommunityOwnedDate is null and q.ClosedDate is null
and a.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##
and q.OwnerUserId != ##UserId##
and a.postTypeId = 2
GROUP BY t.TagName
ORDER BY countofAnsweredQuestions desc
I have created permanent link for the query