I am new to R and I am trying to make a standalone executable so that my scripts can be run without development tools. I have created multiple R scripts containing different fun
There's nothing reproducible, so I'll go through a hacked example that works, perhaps you can use it as a template for explaining what is different and why yours should still work.
Package: Porteous96
Title: This package does nothing
Authors@R: person('r2evans', email='r2evans@ignore.stackoverflow.com', role=c('aut','cre'))
Description: This package still does nothing
Depends: R (>= 3.3.3)
License: MIT
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
(Go ahead and try to send an email there ... I don't think it'll bug me ...)
After create
# Generated by roxygen2: fake comment so roxygen2 overwrites silently.
After document
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
(Regardless, this file needs no manually editing, assuming you are either using roxygen2
with its #' @export
clause, or you are using the default "export almost everything" without roxygen2
#' Do or do not
#' (There is no try.)
#' @param ... any arguments ultimately ignored
#' @return nothing, invisibly
#' @export
reorderPopulation <- function(...) {
cat("do nothing\n")
unorderPopulation <- function(...) {
cat("should not be found\n")
I added this file just to try to "find" one of the exported functions from within this package.
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
reorderPopulation("ignored", "stuff")
I can get away with assuming the function is available, per ?.onLoad:
Note that the code in '.onLoad' and '.onUnload' should not assume any package except the base package is on the search path. Objects in the current package will be visible (unless this is circumvented), but objects from other packages should be imported or the double colon operator should be used.
I actually started this endeavor with a template directory created by starting in the intended directory and running:
# Creating package 'Porteous96' in 'C:/Users/r2/Projects/StackOverflow'
# No DESCRIPTION found. Creating with values:
# Package: Porteous96
# Title: What the Package Does (one line, title case)
# Version:
# Authors@R: "My Real Name [aut,cre]"
# Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
# Depends: R (>= 3.3.3)
# License: Call for information, please
# Encoding: UTF-8
# LazyData: true
# * Creating `Porteous96.Rproj` from template.
# * Adding `.Rproj.user`, `.Rhistory`, `.RData` to ./.gitignore
However, you can easily just use the samples I provided above and move forward without calling create
. (It also includes some other files, e.g., ./.gitignore
, ./Porteous96.Rproj
, and ./.Rbuildignore
, none of which are required in the rest of my process here. If you have them and they have non-default values, that might be good to know.)
From there, I edited/created the above files, then:
# Updating Porteous96 documentation
# Loading Porteous96
# do nothing
# First time using roxygen2. Upgrading automatically...
# Writing reorderPopulation.Rd
(The reason you see "do nothing" above and below is that I put it in a function named .onLoad
, triggered each time the library is loaded. This includes during devtools::document
and devtools::install
as well as the obvious library(Porteous96)
One side-effect of that is that a ./man/
directory is created with the applicable help files. In this case, a single file, reorderPopulation.Rd
, no need to show it here.
# Installing Porteous96
# "c:/R/R-3.3.3/bin/x64/R" --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore \
# --quiet CMD INSTALL "C:/Users/r2/Projects/StackOverflow/Porteous96" \
# --library="C:/Users/r2/R/win-library/3.3" --install-tests
# * installing *source* package 'Porteous96' ...
# ** R
# ** preparing package for lazy loading
# ** help
# *** installing help indices
# ** building package indices
# ** testing if installed package can be loaded
# *** arch - i386
# do nothing
# *** arch - x64
# do nothing
# * DONE (Porteous96)
# Reloading installed Porteous96
# do nothing
For good measure, I close R and re-open it. (Generally unnecessary.)
# do nothing
(Again, this is dumped to the console because of .onLoad
# do nothing
# Error: could not find function "unorderPopulation"
# do nothing
# should not be found
I'm guessing this does not solve your problem. It highlights about as much as I could glean from your question(s). Perhaps it provides enough framework where you can mention salient differences between my files and yours. Though answers are not meant for pre-solution discussion, I think it is sometimes necessary and useful.