I have an array with different elements inside it. Like array contain input elements and select elements. I want to check for particular type. I tried this but it didn\'t work>
You can use either the .tagName property (which always returns uppercase for HTML):
$('.mandotary').each(function(index, element) {
if (element.tagName == "INPUT") {
// code here
} else if (element.tagName == "SELECT") {
// code here
Or, you can use jQuery's .is():
$('.mandotary').each(function(index, element) {
var $element = $(element);
if ($element.is('input')) {
// code here
} else if ($element.is('select')) {
// code here
Even better would probably be to let the selector do all the work for you and just select the items you want for a particular operation and operate on the desired selector like this: